Apache-Sitgreaves National
Looking southeast from the summit of Green's Peak |
More popular with hang
gliders than hikers, this volcanic peak northwest of
Greer is a little gem of a trek. Having driven by this grassy knoll numerous times
while on my way to other White Mountain trails, a trip up this hill has been on
my to-do list for far too long. So, when I finally put boots on the ground this
past weekend, my sense of accomplishment was quickly usurped by a sense of awe.
The peak is an extinct cinder cone volcano surrounded by myriad geological
curiosities---like the mima (pronounced may-muh) mounds.
halfway up |
One of the enduring mysteries of White
Mountain geology, is the origin of the mounds. Rodents, imbedded root systems
and creatures from outer space all have been credited with making these
roundish, 2-to-9-foot-high lumps of gravel in the meadows surrounding
10,133-foot Green’s Peak—the high point of the Springerville Volcanic Field.
The prevailing theory is that these curious features are remnants of a glacial
ice field that receded some 25,000 years ago leaving behind a landscape that
smacks more of Iceland than Arizona.
Bald on its south side but forested on its north flank,
it’s easy to spot the cinder road
etched into the slopes that’s used to access the fire tower and communication
equipment on the top---this is the trail.
Once at the apex, stroll around to get
extraordinary views of the cinder cone-dotted countryside and scope out future
hiking destinations like Pole Knoll, Railroad Grade and Mount Baldy. Also
visible are the scars of last year's Wallow Fire that mar the woodlands around
Greer. When we visited here
yesterday, the New Mexico Gila Fire had grown to over 200,000 acres and strong
winds sent a veil of its smoke into the White Mountains.
the mima mounds at the base of Green's Peak |
LENGTH: 2 or 4 miles roundtrip
RATING: moderate
ELEVATION: 9,520'- 10,133'
smoke from the Gila Fire covers the horizon |
From Pinetop, travel east on
AZ260 (Toward McNary). Continue to
roughly 3 miles past AZ273 to FR 117 near milepost 380 on the left (about a
mile past the Railroad Grade trailhead).
Follow FR117 north for 3 miles to a "Y" junction at FR 61
where a signs states “Greens Peak 2 miles”. You can park here for a 4-mile
roundtrip hike or veer left and drive another mile to the next “Y” intersection
at FR61/61C
for a 2-mile hike. Roads are maintained cinder and
passable by sedan.
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