TOM’S THUMB McDowell Sonoran Preserve Visible from most Scottsdale locations, the curious rock knob known as Tom’s Thumb stands out among the pinnacles of the McDowell Mountains. Up until very recently, only little known, primitive routes (mostly used by climbers) provided access to the base of this 140-foot landmark. Alas, through the efforts of the McDowell Sonoran Preserve and the City of Scottsdale, there’s now a beautifully manicured, well-signed network of trails which make visiting Tom’s Thumb a cinch. From the north access point, the trail makes nice wide switchbacks for an (almost) effortless ascent. The route snakes among classic desert terrain and granite outcroppings showcasing the margins of Arizona’s basin-and-range topography as well as Scottsdale’s suburban sprawl. Because of its new easy access and outstanding views, this hike ranks high on the “must do” list for locals and out-of-town visitors alike.
LENGTH: 4.5 miles roundtrip
RATING: moderate-difficult
ELEVATION: 2,716-3,780 feet
NORTH ACCESS: From the loop 101 in Scottsdale, take the Pima/Princess Road exit 36 and continue 5 miles north on Pima to Happy Valley Road. Turn right (east) and go 4.1 miles on Happy Valley to Ranch Gate. Turn right on Ranch Gate, follow it 1.2 miles then turn right onto 128th St. and continue 1 mile on 128th to the signed trailhead. Roads are paved (finished Oct 2012) all the way.
Address: 23015 N 128th St, Scottsdale, AZ, 85255. Check out directions and map here: Map: Sonoran Conservancy: PHOTOS:
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